With the year coming to an end, I want to look back and reflect on the past year. ⁣⁣

In April, I was awarded the Sackton Fellowship at Arizona State University to pursue a Master of Public Administration.

In May, I graduated from ASU Magna Cum Laude with a double major in Computer Science and Political Science with a certificate in International Studies.

At ASU, I had the opportunity to co-found March For Our Lives ASU and serve as President and Vice President!

Also in May, I started as a communications assistant with the ADLCC, working to elect Judy Schwiebert, Jeanne Casteen, Christine Marsh, and Laura Terech.

In June, I walked in the Arizona March For Our Lives to call for life-saving, common-sense gun safety measures.

In August, I started my Master of Public Administration at ASU's Watts College.

Also in August, I became an elected Precinct Committeeperson from the Wahalla precinct in LD27!

In November, Christine Marsh and Judy Schwiebert were re-elected and Laura Terech was elected!

I knocked on nearly 1800 doors and made almost 2000 calls to help get them elected!

In December, I finished my first semester of grad school with a 3.89 GPA!

I can’t wait to see what 2023 has in store!